Saturday, September 18, 2010


For the past 2 practices, we spent most of the time preparing the mid-autumn celebration. But still I learn something and something to reflect on.

Firstly was what Ms.Yin told us, that the mindset is important. I mean, it is worth a try to say three things to ourselves in the morning. If it really works, perhaps we could produce better sound and Ms.Yin would have more things to work with us. If it didn't, there is nothing to lose.  

Secondly, I think we should always be thankful toward Ms.Yin. She spent the whole of last practice we had to help us to prepare for the mid-autumn, help us to think of different parts of 城里的月光. Sometimes, she would scold us and gets really pissed off , but she still comes back to teach us and tries different ways to tell us how to get the sound she wanted. And remember to smile when we sings because when Ms.Yin conducts she is always smiling to us!

Yesterday's performance wasn't that good, but at least we had fun preparing and we did what we could.

Jiayous to show our identities to Ms.Yin, so she will remember each and everyone. And jiayou for EOY and try to remember all the things we've learnt in choir!

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