Saturday, October 31, 2009

Holiday Practices

For those of you who still don't know, we have choir practice on the following days:

Thursday, 5th November, 0900-1200

Tuesday, 24th November, 1000-1300

Thursday, 26th November, 1000-1300

Tuesday, 1st December, 1000-1300

Thursday, 3rd December, 1000-1300

Monday, 28th December, 1400-1700

Wednesday, 30th December, 1400-1700

NOTE: EVERYBODY is required to come unless you have remedial for the whole 3 hours or are overseas or are sick. If your remedial ends before choir does, you MUST come to choir, even if it's for less than half an hour. If you are overseas, you are required to photocopy the page of your passport where there is a stamp of your overseas date. If you are sick, you are required to produce an MC. Parents letters are NOT accepted. If you fail to do any of the above and do not turn up for choir, your attendance will be marked with a big fat ZERO. Thank you.

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