Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hi Choir,

I'm Yunxian =). I'm pretty sure that you guys are somewhat surprised that I'm posting, since I hardly do so. I have much to say, especially since I'm about to leave, and I kind of forgot what I wanted to say during the elections, so I decided to do a post.

Firstly, I want to say that I'm really, really proud to be part of the NH choir, part of the hard work that everyone had placed in to attain that once seemingly elusive Gold. Yes, its true that sometimes I get frustrated with the fact that we seem to be not improving, and also with the fact that sometimes the attitude of you guys' really suck, but it is also true that I love all of you for making me laugh, feel excited, cry, angry and feel the wonderful emotions that I had experienced through my time with all of you.

I've watched the inexperienced us gain experience over the past four years, through countless performances, learned many different lessons along with all of you, through several rounds of scoldings. Every step we took left a mark within me, and I will never forget all the wonderful or bitter times we shared together.

Some of you may say that you first entered Choir for the sake of the air-conditioner, CCA points, or some other weird reason. We might also have scolded all of you having no passion for Choir. However, now I'm very proud of all of you, because you have shown your passion for choir, not through your improvement, but through the fact that you stuck with Choir despite all the up and downs we had.

We may not have the best attitude in the world, neither the best voices, but I believe that
we will grow as years go by. I want to return to NH choir someday after I leave, to see that all of you people have turned into an even better choir, both in attitude and skill.

I've learnt so much in Choir, whether it is to sing properly, to listen, to deal with problems, to be confident or to conduct. To tell the truth, I don't think I will be able to forget Choir for all you guys had done for me, or for all I had done for all of you.

It just dawned on me this morning that I would really leave choir in another one or two months' time, and I would not be able to sing, laugh, perform with all of you or to conduct all of you ever again.

Like all of the other Sec 4s, I know I will miss all of you greatly. I will not forget all of our times together, that I promise. You guys are part of my memory now.

When we leave, I hope you guys will treat the next committee better, and work together to achieve greater heights with our dear Ms Yin. I want to see that when I return one day.

Remember, our SYF Gold is only our first step. Work harder and make us seniors all proud =).

Vice-Chair of 2008-2009

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